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Internet 2.0 Conference Reviews Sustainable Technology Solutions


Modernization has given humanity an added convenience in multiple dimensions of life. But the sedentary lifestyle has its downsides. Environmental issues such as climate change, air pollution, and deforestation have become a cause of concern today. Environmentalists and researchers are constantly making advancements in sustainable technology to tackle these issues.

With the help of sustainable technology, we can address these challenges and create a more robust natural surrounding for our future. Experts discuss using sustainable technology to create a healthier carbon footprint and uphold environmental law. One of the largest IT conferences in Dubai, the Internet 2.0 Conference reviews these discussions in detail, inviting various researchers to share their perspectives. Here are the insights.

What Is Sustainable Technology?

Sustainable technology is developing and applying technologies that promote a healthier environment. This is done by decreasing negative environmental consequences and conserving natural resources. Sustainable technology seeks to produce goods, systems, and processes that reduce waste, pollution, and resource depletion while remaining economically viable.

In 2020, renewable energy sources (including hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass) accounted for 12% of total energy consumption in the US. Since then, wind and solar energy capacities have increased in recent years. As a result, upcoming tech events in Dubai have prioritized discussions on this innovative approach to conserving the environment.

Practical Usage Of Sustainable Technologies-

Sustainable technologies are being developed to promote sustainability and mitigate environmental problems. Some of these include the following -

  • Green building materials

    Such as recycled steel, bamboo, and straw bales, which reduce the use of natural resources and emit fewer pollutants.

  • Sustainable agriculture practices

    Such as organic farming, crop rotation, and agroforestry, which reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and promote soil health and biodiversity.

  • Water conservation technologies

    Such as low-flow showerheads, rainwater harvesting systems, and greywater recycling systems, reduce water consumption and protect water resources.

Environmental Solutions Provided by Sustainable Technology-

Sustainable technologies are designed to address a wide range of environmental problems. Various IT conferences in Dubai have shifted these to the top of the agenda for spreading awareness among the citizens. Below are some pressing environmental issues that sustainable technologies aim to tackle -

  • Climate change: Sustainable technologies like renewable energy (e.g., solar, wind, hydropower) reduce reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
  • Pollution: Tech advancements can also help reduce air, water, and soil pollution. For example, electric cars produce no emissions, and waste-to-energy systems can reduce landfill waste and air pollution.
  • Resource depletion: They can help reduce non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels, minerals, and metals, by promoting recycling, waste reduction, and using renewable resources.
  • Biodiversity loss: Sustainable technologies can help protect and restore biodiversity by promoting sustainable land use practices, reducing habitat destruction, and controlling invasive species.
Environmental Law And Efforts Made By The US Government -

The US government collaborates to improve the environment quality by using sustainable technology for the cause. Environmental Law is a field of legislation that governs how humans interact with the natural environment. It includes various legal frameworks to protect the environment and natural resources, such as international treaties, national laws, and municipal ordinances. The panel of experts at the Internet 2.0 Conference reviews these agendas and discusses their practical application in the present scenario.

Goals Of Environmental Law: What Is It Directed Towards?

Environmental law addresses many concerns, including air and water pollution, waste management, biodiversity, climate change, and resource management. Environmental legislation aims to promote sustainable development and safeguard the environment by establishing ecological quality standards, regulating activities that have an environmental impact, and providing means for enforcement and responsibility.

Environmentalists at IT conferences in Dubai discuss environmental law concerning its applicability in improving environmental quality. They believe it is an interdisciplinary area that relies on concepts and principles from various disciplines, including ecology, economics, ethics, and social justice. It is also continually changing as new environmental concerns develop, scientific knowledge of the environment, and natural resources evolve. Therefore, ecological legislation is critical to safeguarding the environment and natural resources, fostering sustainable development, and preserving the youth and further generations.

US Environmental Law -

The United States has a complex system of environmental laws and regulations that govern the interactions between human activity and the environment. Some of the essential federal environmental laws in the US include

  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Which requires federal agencies to regard the environmental impacts of their actions and decisions.
  • Clean Air Act (CAA): Regulates air pollution from stationary and mobile sources, such as factories, power plants, and vehicles.
  • Clean Water Act (CWA): Regulates water pollution and sets water quality standards for rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water.
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA): This regulates the management of hazardous waste from its initial stage to its final disposal.
Can Sustainable Technology Support Environmental Laws?

IT conferences in Dubai believe that promoting significant environmental benefits must be noticed in an era of climate change. Efforts to conserve can be made by:

  • being environmentally friendly,
  • reducing energy consumption,
  • using new renewable energies, using LED lights, and
  • reducing waste.

Researchers believe it is possible to save the environment with the effective use of sustainable technology. They have developed domains and strategies which can help support environmental Law. Upcoming tech events in Dubai aim to invite experts from around the globe to speak about such methods. One such informative tech gathering includes the Internet 2.0 Conference. It reviews the three key ways in which technology can save the environment. According to experts, the approach involves:

  • Compliance to aid in the enforcement of environmental regulations,
  • Monitoring and reporting ecological performance, ideally done by sensors or remote monitoring systems,
  • Enforcement of the laws that sustain the environment.

Companies like Microsoft are pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, hoping to be realized by 2030. Such companies are trying to eliminate all of the carbon they have produced since their inception in 1975 by 2050.

Sustainable Technologies Can Help Reduce Our Carbon Footprint-

Sustainable technology can help reduce carbon footprints in several ways, including

  1. Renewable energy:

    Renewable energy is a great way to reduce carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, released into the air as a result of human activities such as transportation, energy production, and industrial processes. Renewable energy sources, like wind, solar, and hydropower, do not release greenhouse gases during their operation, making them an excellent way to reduce their carbon footprint.

  2. Energy efficiency:

    Energy efficiency is another effective way to reduce carbon footprints. Energy efficiency is using less energy to accomplish the same task without sacrificing quality or comfort. By reducing energy usage, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy production, transportation, and other activities contributing to our carbon footprint.

    The Internet 2.0 Conference reviews how energy efficiency can reduce carbon footprint. These include -

    • Building design:

      Energy-efficient building design can significantly reduce the energy needed for heating, cooling, and lighting. This can be achieved through insulation, efficient windows, and energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems.

    • Appliances and equipment:

      Energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and computers can lower energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    • Transportation:

      Energy-efficient vehicles, such as hybrid or electric cars, can significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation.

    • Industrial processes:

      Energy-efficient industrial processes can reduce the energy needed to produce goods and services, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  3. Electric vehicles:

    Sustainable technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs) can help reduce carbon emissions from transportation. EVs produce no tailpipe emissions and are more energy-efficient than gasoline-powered vehicles. As a result, electric cars - emit fewer pollutants than traditional gasoline or diesel vehicles. As of 2021, there were over 1.8 million electric vehicles (EVs) on US roads, with California accounting for about half of all EV sales. EVs produce no tailpipe emissions and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.

Carbon Capture And Storage For Reducting Carbon Footprint:

Sustainable technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) can capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes and store them underground or use them for industrial operations. This helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. In addition, sustainable technologies can help reduce carbon footprints by replacing fossil fuel-based energy sources with renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption in buildings, promoting sustainable transportation, capturing carbon emissions, and implementing sustainable agriculture practices. The pros and cons of this process is a key topic of discussion for upcoming tech events in Dubai.

What Role Does The Internet 2.0 Conference Play In Promoting A Sustainable Environment?

The Internet 2.0 Conference gathers leading tech experts and IT researchers who share their perspectives about modern advancements in IT. It enables tech enthusiasts to gain the most updated views in the tech world. If you want a platform to share your thoughts or learn from the best industry professionals, this conference is for you!

Kashif Ansari is a proud member of the Internet 2.0 Conference's organizing committee and is deeply interested in learning how technology is changing the world and the revolutions it brings about. The Internet 2.0 Conference's upcoming editions are prepared to examine some of the industry's hottest topics, including what the future of cybersecurity holds, the need for cloud computing expertise in the blockchain, and reducing the damage that fraudsters and scammers can do to your company.