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Quantum Computing: The Future is Already on its Way


The technological leap during the pandemic along with the promise of introducing new technologies has delivered numerous benefits to societies across the world and is expected to bring us computers capable of operating many thousands of times quicker than usual. As a result, nations have started investing heavily in the field. In the same way, when it comes to quantum computing - the competition is also setting off at the global level.

Although the concept of quantum computing is quite complex, it is one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century. It has not only estimated unacceptable situations but has influenced many domains of modern technologies.

Quantum computing is a method for storing and processing information. Simplifying the term as well as the concept - Quantum means “sub-atomic” and computing is used to describe properties in physics that are demonstrated by matter when studying it at a sub-atomic level.

Similarly, physical properties of nature point that information can be expressed in different ways without the details losing their vital identity leading to the probability of the automatic manipulation of data. The mechanical properties of this technology are based on various technologies that have already been taken for granted. For instance, transistors in mobile, LEDs in torches, and MRI machines.

While classical computing presents a logical binary value of 0 and 1, quantum mechanics provide a much broader way to store a piece of information with the help of a quantum bit which is also known as a qubit (a qubit is equivalent to the binary digit or a bit of classical computing in quantum computing).

To better understand the concept, let’s have a look at the interplay between quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence. Experts believe that quantum computing has the power to improve AI in the coming future. For instance, quantum computers could develop AI-based digital assistants and also have the ability to understand interaction with people.

It is no secret that AI systems thrive when machine learning algorithms are given huge amounts of data to store, identify as well as analyze. That’s where quantum computing plays an important role while also including the important aspect of accessing more computationally complex feature spaces.

In any case, this growing concept can guarantee the capability to define solutions to the problems for all practical purposes which haven’t found their way through classical computers. However, quantum computing still has a long journey to receive the kind of attention AI has received. It could be because some possessions of quantum mechanics allow computers to make the design of quantum algorithms and the establishment of functional hardware extremely difficult. Now is the right time to imply some solutions and refine the quality of qubit technology while working towards perfecting the state of the qubit for quantum error correction.

However, before forming an opinion about this upcoming technology, tech enthusiasts should learn more about what other experts have to say about quantum technology at the Internet 2.0 Conference.

Pragya Kandpal is a member of the Internet 2.0 Conference’s organizing team. The conference, which will take place in 2022, will bring together some of the most influential tech experts and leaders to shine a light on technological breakthroughs, scam and fraud prevention on the internet, and the latest happenings in the realms of artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing and augmented reality.